Our Four Step Plan To Make A Real Impact

Finding a Forest Creation Space

We are always on the lookout for places to work with on creating an urban forest.

If you are a school or business with an area of unused land, get in touch with us & let’s have a chat!

Preparing The Soil

Before we can even put a tree into the ground, we must first prepare the soil correctly.

The planting area is prepared by covering it with layers of cardboard, and wood chip mulch. This creates soft and crumbly soil, which means the roots of the trees can establish faster and have better access to nutrients.

Planting The Trees

After several months, we come back to our sites to plant at a rate of up to three tree per square meter. We use only native trees & shrubs, these native plants have acclimatised to Irish conditions over thousands of years and are best suited to our conditions.

All of our sites are planted with the help of the school’s students and parents, and volunteers from our corporate CoolPartners.


We keep a careful eye on the forest for the first 3 years. We encourage schools to have the children take on this duty, hand weeding and making sure the young trees are protected. It also ensures that the students learn great life skills about caring for plants and the wildlife living in the urban forest.

Schools and CoolPartners can appoint a committee of forest guardians to care and maintain their urban forest until it becomes self maintaining.